It’s the middle of winter and you’re on your way home. It’s going to be freezing in your house and you don’t have any smartphone apps to heat it up before you arrive. If you can’t wait while the house heats up, here are some steps you can take to quickly make a cold house warm this winter.

Ways to quickly warm a cold house
Close the curtains
To keep warmth inside the room, one of the quickest ways is to close the curtains quickly after light fades outside. Make sure curtains don’t drape over any radiators, put them on the window sill or behind the radiator.
Turn on your central heating
It can take up to an hour for a room to heat up just right so you need to turn it on early. Put it on as soon as you enter the house.
Turn the boiler thermostat to maximum
Increase the target temperature on the room thermostat to higher than you actually want in the room. This will make the boiler work harder faster and heat the house up quicker. You can turn it down later, although this will cost you more in gas bills.
Turn off radiators in rooms that are not used
Go round the house and turn off the radiators in any rooms you are not using. With a central heating system, the upstairs radiators tend to get warmer quicker as heat rises.
So if you aren’t using these rooms, turn off the radiators which will allow more heat to be pushed into the rooms you are using. Make sure to keep the doors of the unused rooms closed too.
Close air vents in windows

If you have double glazed uPVC windows, you will have trickle air vents in them, You can slide them shut in the winter to stop draughts coming through.
Stop draughts from under doors

Use rolled up towels or blankets to stop draughts coming through the bottom of doors as you can get a lot of cold air coming through them, especially in winter.
Turn on the fire
If your room has a fire, turn this on so you get immediate warmth. You won’t need to keep this on for too long, only until the house warms up.
Keep furniture away from radiators and heaters
Make sure furniture is not blocking any radiators. This will stop the heated air circulating in the room and is a sure way to keep a house cold. Also, remove any clothes that you have on the radiators.
Cover wooden or tiled floors with a rug

If you have wooden floors, they can be cold to the touch in winter, so put down a rug over them to feel warmer and stop heat loss through the floor.
Wear a woolly jumper
Or a cardigan soon after arriving home so you don’t lose body heat too quickly and start shivering. Wearing warm clothing means you can move around the house more freely
Hot water bottle
Fill a water bottle with hot water and use this to provide close immediate heat. One of the quickest and cheapest ways to warm you up quickly.
Run a hot shower
And if possible leave the door open so the hot steam not only gets the bathroom warm, but travels through to other parts of the house.
Have a hot drink
Put the kettle on and make yourself a hot drink. Put more water in than you need for the drink so the steam in the kettle (with the lid open) after its heated helps to warm up your kitchen.
Invest in a powerful new boiler
An efficient boiler will heat up the whole house much quicker than an old boiler over 15 years old that isn’t as powerful. Make sure to get a boiler that is sized correctly for the size of your house and the demand that will be put on it from household members.
Talk to qualified experts on what type of boiler is right for your home. WarmZilla has years of experience in finding the best boiler for you with many great options. Click the banner below for more details.
*The information in this article should be used for general guidance only and not as financial or health advice. Full details are on the link in the footer to our disclaimer page. Always discuss your requirements with a competent and suitably qualified professional before undertaking any work.
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