Cheap Ways To Heat A Room

cheap ways to heat a room

As the chilly months approach, finding effective yet affordable ways to heat your home can be a top priority. With numerous options available, navigating through the maze of heating choices can be overwhelming.

That’s where we come in! In this blog post, we will explore various cost-effective and energy-efficient heating solutions suitable for different living spaces and individual preferences.

Key Takeaways for cheap ways to heat a room

  • Central heating systems can efficiently and effectively maintain a comfortable temperature in your home, with natural gas boilers being the most common and economical option.
  • Space heaters are versatile options for low-cost heating, available in various types such as ceramic, infrared, fan heaters or oil-filled. They are perfect for targeted warmth without having to operate an entire central heating system.
  • Radiant heaters like infrared heaters generate heat internally and then radiate it directly onto nearby objects and people, ensuring optimum efficiency with minimal loss. These heaters offer a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to traditional heating methods while saving on energy expenses.
  • Installing underfloor heating (UFH) is a fantastic way to efficiently heat your home from the ground up creating even distribution of warmth while being 15%-40% more efficient than other methods. ThermaSkirt board has warm water flowing through contoured aluminium profile skirting board making it both decorative yet functional that works with any floor construction or finish, ideal if you’re short on space since no radiator will be taking up precious wall space.

The article content contains more detailed information about each takeaway point.

Understanding Different Heating Options

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There are several heating options available, including central heating systems, space heaters, radiant heaters, electric blankets and hot water bottles.

Central Heating Systems

Central heating systems are an efficient and effective way to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home during the colder months. These systems generate heat from a single source, such as a gas boiler or heat pump, and distribute it throughout the home using radiators, underfloor heating pipes or warm air vents.

There is a wide range of central heating options available for homeowners and tenants in the UK, with different technologies suited to various types of properties.

The most common type uses natural gas boilers which are economical and compatible with many existing infrastructure models. Alternatively, more eco-friendly options include air-source heat pumps or biomass stoves fueled by pellets or logs.

Space Heaters

Space heaters can be an excellent solution for homeowners and tenants in need of energy-efficient heating. These small yet powerful appliances offer a convenient way to heat specific areas or rooms, providing targeted warmth without the expense of operating an entire central heating system.

For example, ceramic space heaters utilise electricity as their fuel source and rely on a ceramic heating element to conduct heat effectively. Fan heaters are another popular choice; they generate warmth by blowing air over heated metal coils.

When selecting the perfect space heater for your needs, it’s essential to consider factors such as safety features, energy efficiency ratings and noise levels. However, always remember that these devices should only be used for supplemental heat – avoid using them to warm linens, cook food or dry clothing.

Radiant Heaters

Radiant heaters offer an energy-efficient and cost-effective solution for homeowners and tenants looking to heat their spaces. Unlike traditional heating methods, these heaters work by generating heat internally and then radiating it directly onto nearby objects and people.

One prime example of this type of heater is the infrared heater, which boasts a remarkable 100% conversion rate of electricity into heat. These infrared units not only provide instant warmth but also consume less power than other space heaters, delivering sustainable and eco-friendly heating without breaking the bank.

Furthermore, radiant heating systems are compatible with smart thermostats for increased control over temperature settings in your home or apartment.

Electric Blankets

Electric blankets are an excellent and affordable way to keep warm, especially during freezing temperatures in the UK. They offer a quick and easy way to heat up your bed or sofa, allowing you to relax comfortably without having to turn up the central heating.

There are different types of electric blankets available on the market, including underblankets, overblankets, throws, and duvets.

While electric blankets can be an efficient way to save on heating costs, it’s crucial to use them safely and follow manufacturer instructions.

It’s essential not to leave them unattended when in use or place them under heavy bedding or mattress protectors.

Hot Water Bottles

Hot water bottles are a simple and affordable way to keep warm during colder months. They have the lowest upfront cost and associated energy expenses when compared to electric blankets or space heaters, making them a popular choice for those on a tight budget.

Additionally, hot water bottles are a fantastic option for heating small areas rather than trying to heat an entire room. This makes them perfect for snuggling up in bed at night or curling up on the couch while watching TV.

However, it’s important to follow safety guidelines such as checking the expiry date and not overheating your bottle before use.

Cost-Effective Heating Solutions

Efficient gas central heating systems, wall panel heatersinsulated curtains, heat under the floor, and draft stoppers are all affordable options for heating a room without breaking the bank.

Efficient Gas Central Heating System

Gas central heating is one of the most cost-effective ways to heat your home. It is more efficient than electric heaters and produces less carbon emissions compared to other options like oil or coal.

With a gas-fired central-heating system, you can control your heating with a boiler, ensuring economical use over winter. Gas prices may rise, but they are still relatively cheaper compared to electricity or oil prices.

Wall Panel Heaters

Wall panel heaters are an excellent cost-effective heating solution for homeowners and tenants who want to heat a room without breaking the bank. These heaters can be mounted directly onto a wall, saving valuable floor space while providing efficient and effective warmth throughout your home.

For those who live in smaller apartments or homes, wall panel heaters are perfect due to their compact size and easy installation process. However, it’s essential to maintain the interior temperature of your home adequately when using these types of heaters to prevent cold draughts from filtering in.

Infrared heating panels are another option that can provide even more cost-effective warmth than standard convection heaters.

Small Space Heaters

If you’re looking for a low-cost and efficient way to heat up a small room, look no further than small space heaters. These types of heaters are perfect for those who only need to heat a limited area such as a bedroom or office.

Infrared heating is one of the cheapest ways to warm up a small space as it uses very little electricity.

Electric radiators are another cost-effective option if you need to heat up a tiny room. They come in various sizes and styles, making them ideal for different spaces and decor preferences.

However, keep in mind that indirect electric heaters could end up being costly due to high electricity rates.

Insulated Curtains

One of the easiest and cost-effective ways to heat a room is by using insulated curtains. Insulated curtains work by blocking out cold air from entering a room, while trapping warm air inside.

By updating your curtains or blinds to thick or thermal ones, you can keep the heat within your home without breaking the bank. Thermal curtains are also an excellent alternative to new double-glazing as they can potentially save money on energy bills.

Heat Under The Floor

Installing underfloor heating (UFH) is a fantastic way to efficiently heat your home. UFH uses less energy than traditional radiators because it heats the room from the ground up, creating an even distribution of warmth.

In fact, UFH can be 15-40% more efficient than other heating methods! Although it may seem expensive, starting as low as £30 for small projects, you’ll quickly recoup the costs through lower energy bills.

If you’re looking for an eco-friendly alternative to UFH that works with any floor construction or finish, consider ThermaSkirt. This contoured aluminium profile skirting board has warm water flowing through it – making it a smart solution to both heat and decorate your home at once.

It’s also ideal if you’re short on space since there will be no need for radiators taking up precious wall space.

[Keywords: Energy-efficient heating, Sustainable heating,

Efficient heating sources]

Draught Stoppers

Draft stoppers are a simple yet effective way to keep the cold weather out and reduce energy costs. One of the main reasons why rooms become cold is due to drafts, which can enter through gaps in windows, doors, and even floorboards.

There are many different types of draught stoppers available on the market or you could even make one yourself with materials like fabric or old stockings.

These products work by being placed at the bottom of doors or windows where they can block up any holes that would otherwise allow cool air into a room. Studies show that with draught stoppers usage; homeowners can save between 10-20% on their heating bills each year by reducing heat loss caused by drafts.

Heat Without Electricity

Discover alternative heating methods that don’t rely on electricity. From solar panels to DIY clay pot heaters, there are effective and eco-friendly options for staying warm without breaking the bank.

Solar Panels

Active solar heating systems are an efficient and sustainable way to heat a room without electricity. Solar panels can generate enough energy from the sun’s rays to heat fluids, which then transfer the solar heat directly into your home.

Solar powered underfloor heating is becoming increasingly popular in the UK with the number of required solar panels depending on the size of your home. This option offers great efficiency and sustainability since it eliminates any need for fossil fuels or grid power while still keeping your room warm throughout colder months.

Clay Pot Heaters

Looking for an affordable and sustainable way to heat your room without electricity? Clay pot heaters are a great option! Here’s what you need to know:

  • Clay pot heaters are made from terracotta pots, candles, and bricks.
  • Place the bricks at the bottom of a large terracotta pot, put a smaller pot inside it and light several candles below the smaller pot.
  • The heat will be absorbed by the larger pot and radiate throughout the room.
  • It’s important to use unscented candles as scented ones can release harmful chemicals into the air when heated.
  • A clay pot heater costs very little to make and can provide enough heat to make a small room feel cosy.

But keep in mind that fire chiefs have issued warnings about the dangers of building DIY heaters like the clay pot heater. Always exercise caution when using them.

DIY Pop Can Solar Panel

One way to heat a room without electricity is by building a DIY pop can solar panel. Here’s how:

  1. Collect enough soda cans to cover the desired surface area of the panel.
  2. Cut off both ends of the cans and clean them thoroughly.
  3. Spray paint all the cans in black to absorb as much sunlight as possible.
  4. Glue them together side-by-side using silicone caulk to form a rectangle.
  5. Make a frame for the panel using scrap wood or PVC pipes, ensuring that it can be tilted towards the sun.
  6. Attach the panel to the frame with screws and brackets, making sure it’s secure.
  7. Place the panel in direct sunlight and angle it towards the sun for maximum exposure.

DIY pop can solar panels are an easy and cheap way to harness solar power for heating purposes, especially during sunny winter days. The choppy airflow through the cans collects more heat within their warm walls, creating a thermal siphon effect that generates hot air inside your home. Not only do they save on energy costs, but they’re also eco-friendly and sustainable heating options for homeowners and tenants alike.

Smart Heating Solutions To Save Money

Use smart thermostats and thermostatic radiator valves to automatically regulate the temperature in your home and save on heating costs. Upgrade to double-glazed windows and insulate your walls, floors and roof for additional savings.

Smart Thermostats

When it comes to cost-effective heating solutions, smart thermostats are often touted as a great way to save money. But whether they will actually save you money depends on how you use them and what type you have.

The right heating controls, including smart thermostats, can help keep your home at a comfortable temperature without wasting fuel or heat. Some smart thermostats can be linked up with smart thermostatic radiator valves to allow for control of the temperature of individual rooms.

This means that instead of heating your whole house all day every day, you could only heat the room that you’re using when you’re using it.

Thermostatic Radiator Valves

One effective way to save money on energy bills is by adding thermostatic radiator valves to your home heating system. These valves can be adjusted so that the heat output of each radiator can be controlled separately, meaning you can set different temperatures in different rooms depending on how often they’re used.

This means you won’t waste energy heating an empty room, and can tailor your heating to suit your needs more precisely.

Investing in smart thermostat technology or smart radiator valves is also becoming increasingly popular for homeowners looking to save money long-term on their fuel bills.

By using automated systems that learn the habits of household members and adjust accordingly, these devices offer a convenient solution that doesn’t require constant monitoring or manual adjustments.

Double-Glazed Windows

Double-glazed windows are an effective way to reduce heat loss in your home and save money on heating bills. This type of energy-efficient glazing has two glass panes that are sealed together, leaving a small gap between them.

Investing in new double-glazed windows is a sensible choice for homes with outdated or single-glazed units. Triple-glazed windows offer even more insulation and may make a home warmer and more sound-proof than double-glazed ones.

Using double-glazed windows can help you stay warm without breaking the bank on heating costs.


If you’re looking for a cheap and efficient way to heat your home, insulation is the answer. Poor insulation can cause up to 25% of heat loss, which directly affects consumption, making it difficult to increase savings.

By investing in proper insulation for your walls and ceilings, you could see significant cost savings on your heating bills throughout the year.

Many homeowners are unaware that their homes may have problems with heat loss due to poor insulation. To identify potential problem areas, AXA offers a guide on finding cheap ways to keep homes warm during winter months.

Portable And Small Space Heating Options

Portable electric heaters are a cost-effective option for heating small spaces. Radiator boosters can be placed on top of existing radiators to improve heat distribution, while fan heaters provide instant warmth and can be easily moved from room to room.

DIY Heaters

You don’t need to break the bank to stay warm this winter. With some creativity and resourcefulness, you can build your own heaters at home. Here are some DIY heating solutions you can try, but be sure to stay safe:

  1. Tea Light Heater – A simple way to create heat without electricity is by using tea lights. Place a few of them in a small ceramic dish and put a few bricks or tiles on top to trap the heat. This can be used as an efficient heater for small spaces.
  2. Flower Pot Heater – Take two large terra cotta pots and place one inside the other with space in between them. Fill that space with sand and light a candle underneath it. The pot will radiate heat, creating an effective heater.
  3. Radiant Space Heater – Using a copper pipe, bend it into a coil shape and suspend it over candles placed on a baseboard or other fireproof surface. The copper will collect the heat from the candles and radiate warmth.
  4. Clay Pot Heater – Place several tea lights inside of an upside down clay pot with another clay pot stacked on top of it (with holes drilled) along with some nuts and washers in between for spacing, then light up the candles.
  5. Alcohol Burner – An alcohol burner made from a soda can can generate enough heat for small spaces when filled with alcohol, lit, and covered by another can perforated with airholes.

With these simple DIY heating ideas, you’ll stay cosy all winter long without breaking the bank or causing harm to the environment!

Radiator Boosters

To make the most out of your home’s heating system, consider investing in a radiator booster. This clever device sits on top of your radiator and uses a fan to circulate warm air around the room more efficiently.

By doing so, it can help you save money on energy bills by reducing heat wastage and increasing comfort levels in colder rooms.

In addition to their cost-saving benefits, radiator boosters are also easy to install and use without any professional help. Simply plug them into an electrical outlet and place them on top of your radiator for instant warmth all winter long.

They’re particularly useful for larger rooms or homes with high ceilings where traditional heating methods may struggle to distribute heat evenly.

Fan Heaters

Fan heaters are an excellent option for heating small spaces on a budget. These affordable devices work by generating heat and blowing it around the room, making them effective for rooms where central heating is unavailable or inadequate.

Using fan heaters comes with some advantages and disadvantages that homeowners and tenants need to consider. For instance, these devices consume little energy, which makes them cost-effective.

However, they can be noisy while operating and may not provide a consistent supply of heat if used in larger spaces. Safety measures such as keeping the heater away from flammable materials should also be taken into consideration when using fan heaters.

Other Ways To Keep Warm

Layering clothing is a simple and affordable way to stay warm; consider wearing thermal underlayers, socks and a jumper.

Layering Clothing

Layering clothing is an excellent way to keep yourself warm during the colder months. Adding another layer traps air between each item of clothing, creating extra insulation and making it harder for body heat to escape.

You can wear thermal vests or long underwear as base layers, which provide additional warmth and insulation.

Not only is layering clothes a cost-effective way to keep warm, but it can also reduce your reliance on expensive heating solutions.

Drinking Hot Beverages

Enjoying warm drinks like tea, coffee, and hot chocolate can do more than satisfy your taste buds. Drinking hot beverages can help regulate body temperature, making it an effective way to stay warm during cold winter days without having to crank up the heat.

Hot drinks are commonly used as a pick-me-up to start the day or as a way to punctuate workdays. They also provide relief from illness and promote better sleep.

Incorporating the habit of drinking hot beverages into your daily routine might just save you money on heating costs in the long run while providing additional health benefits that come with consuming these delicious drinks.

Cooking And Baking

Cooking and baking are not just great ways to enjoy delicious food, but they can also serve as budget-friendly heating solutions for your home. By using your oven or stovetop, you can create heat that will warm up the surrounding rooms in no time.

Leaving the oven door open after cooking is a simple trick that can help add warmth to your kitchen area without needing a heater. Additionally, using slow cookers or electric burners during winter months is an effective way of providing heat while preparing meals.

Keep in mind that it’s best to avoid cooking dishes that produce excess steam since this may increase humidity levels in the house.

Using Rugs

Don’t underestimate the power of a rug when it comes to insulating your home and keeping it warm on a budget. Laying down rugs is an essential way to maintain warmth in your living spaces, especially if you have hardwood or tile flooring that doesn’t provide insulation.

Rugs can act as an extra layer of thermal insulation for your floors, which can help trap heat and prevent it from escaping through the floorboards. To maximize their effectiveness, consider placing them near walls where they create a barrier against drafts and cold air.

Heating On A Budget

When it comes to heating your home, costs can quickly add up. But with a little creativity and resourcefulness, you can warmth while still staying on budget. First and foremost, consider using DIY heating solutions like making your own clay pot heater or creating homemade insulation for drafty doors and windows.

Finally, don’t forget about simple lifestyle changes that have an impact on overall warmth levels – layering clothing so you’re not reliant solely on indoor heat sources; drinking hot beverages; cooking and baking more often than usual which heats up both the kitchen – all of these tricks save money whilst doing small things that are beneficial weather-wise.

With a bit of research into affordable options tailored to your unique living situation (small apartment? Large family?), you’ll be able to stay cosy this winter without breaking the bank!

homeowner using heating app

Home Heating Tips

  1. Use draft stoppers on doors and windows to prevent cold air from getting in.
  2. Insulate your walls, ceilings, and floors to prevent heat loss.
  3. Consider using curtains with thermal lining to keep the warmth of your room inside.
  4. If you have hardwood or tile floors, use rugs to keep your feet warm.
  5. Layer up when you’re at home so you don’t have to rely on heating as much.
  6. Drink hot beverages like tea or coffee to keep yourself warm from the inside out.
  7. Make use of your oven by cooking and baking, which will help heat up your kitchen and surrounding areas.
  8. Use smaller space heaters such as fan heaters or radiator boosters instead of large central heating systems if you only need to heat a small area.
  9. Keep doors closed in rooms that you aren’t using to contain the heat in the rooms that matter most for comfort.
  10. Perform regular maintenance on your heating system, including cleaning filters and checking for leaks, to ensure efficient operation.

Note: Did you know that insulating your home can save between 25-45% on energy bills? And draft-proofing can reduce energy bills by up to 20%.

Heating Hacks

Looking for clever and creative ways to heat your home without breaking the bank? Take a look at these top heating hacks:

  1. Use tin foil behind radiators: place tinfoil behind your radiator to reflect heat back into your room instead of letting it disappear through the wall.
  2. Bake something: warm up your kitchen and fill your home with delicious smells by baking cookies or cake.
  3. Close off unused rooms: if you’re not using a particular room, close the door and turn off the radiator, so you are only heating the rooms you use.
  4. Heat with candles: candles can provide a surprising amount of warmth when placed on a heat-resistant plate in front of a mirror to reflect their warmth around the room.
  5. Move furniture away from radiators: make sure no furniture is blocking any radiators as this can prevent heat from circulating correctly around the room.
  6. Use bubble wrap as insulation: insulate windows by sticking bubble wrap to them, trapping any cold air between the bubble wrap and windowpane, keeping warm air inside your home.
  7. Make DIY draught excluders: make easy draught excluders using old tights or socks stuffed with material scraps or rice grains.
  8. Invest in thermal curtains: add an extra layer of insulation to your windows by investing in thermal curtains that will block cold air from coming in during winter months.

There you have it, all easy-to-follow hacks that will keep you warm and cozy during colder times without breaking the bank!

Affordable Heating Options

If you’re looking for affordable heating options, there are several cost-effective solutions available. One option is to invest in wall panel heaters, which can be fixed to your walls and provide efficient heat throughout a room.

Another affordable heating option is insulation. Insulated curtains, for example, help keep the cold air out and the warm air in. You could also consider adding draft stoppers along doors and windows or using rugs to insulate bare floors.

Heating Upgrades And Repairs

If you’re looking to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your heating system, there are a few upgrades and repairs you can consider. Firstly, if your boiler is old and inefficient, replacing it with a newer model could help reduce your energy bills while also making your home more comfortable.

In addition to upgrades, regular maintenance is essential for keeping your heating system running smoothly. This might include tasks like cleaning filters or radiatorschecking for leaks or damage in pipes, or repairing faulty components.

Overall, whether through upgrades or repairs, investing time (and potentially money) into improving the performance of your heating system can pay dividends both in terms of comfort and cost savings.

Heating Maintenance And Safety

To ensure your heating system continues to work efficiently, regular maintenance is essential. Keep an eye on the boiler’s pressure and check for any leaks or strange noises.

It’s also important to get your heating system serviced regularly by a professional engineer, especially if you have a gas central heating system.

When it comes to using heaters in your home, safety should always be top of mind. Ensure that all electrical appliances are used according to their instructions and never leave portable heaters unattended or positioned too close to flammable objects such as curtains or bedding.

By following these simple tips for heating maintenance and safety, homeowners and tenants can ensure their homes remain warm and cozy without compromising on safety.


In conclusion, there are plenty of cheap and effective ways to heat a room without breaking the bank. Understanding your heating options is key to making an informed decision and choosing the right solution for your home.

From smart thermostats and insulation to DIY heating solutions and small portable heaters, there is something for everyone – regardless of budget or living space size.

By implementing these cost-effective methods, you can keep warm while also reducing your energy bills and saving money in the long run.


How can I improve the efficiency of my existing heating system?

To make your current heating system more efficient, consider upgrading insulation in your home’s building envelope which reduces energy loss through the walls & roof.

Is it safe to use portable space heaters for extended periods of time?

While portable heaters can be effective in small spaces as temporary solutions however should not be used excessively especially if power outlets are located too close to flammable materials (e.g., clothing or carpets) due their size/power output limitations. Proper care regarding usage should always remain top priority when utilizing these types of devices to avoid any mishaps.

Should I invest in smart thermostats for more efficient heating control?

Smart thermostats have become quite popular given its flexibility towards remote management features that allow users set temperature levels from anywhere using an internet connection along with scheduling options based upon occupancy prediction algorithms offered by manufacturers such as Nest or Honeywell among others.

These kinds of features let you tailor temperatures depending upon user presence , weather conditions & other factors thereby increasing energy savings over long term period while still achieving maximum comfort levels within your desired settings..

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